Problems and Issues Management
In late 1999, the LNPA WG, now known as the Number Portability Industry Forum (NPIF), established a "Problem Identification and Management" (PIM) process for Number Portability (np) issues. The group, made up of Number Portability Industry members, developed:
- Issue submittal guidelines (PIM Process Scope)
- Issue submittal form (Problem/Issue Identification and Description Form)
- Issue referral form (Problem/Issue Referral Cover Letter)
- Process flows (PIM Process Flow Narratives and PIM Process Flow Graphics)
- Tracking mechanism (PIMs Tracking Matrix)
The NPIF is not responsible for resolving all Number Portability problems. The NPIF performs an initial evaluation of each problem/issue submitted, then either develops a resolution for the issue or refers it to the appropriate forum for resolution. Issues submitted are tracked in the PIMs Tracking Matrix.
Issues should be submitted to the NPIF using the Problem/Issue Identification and Description Form, at least two weeks before the NPIF meeting at which Number Portability issue's discussion is desired.
Related Documents
Title | Date | Description | Document |
PIM 33 | 02/13/2004 | "We have to pay for a non-discretionary ""Active Like TN's in a NPA-NXX Report"" when taking over a code to verify blocks that are over 10% contaminated." | Download |
PIM 32 | 02/27/2004 | Wireless carriers are not receiving customer service records (CSRs) from all wire line network service providers when a reseller is the local service provider. Wireless port requests do not collect t… | Download |
PIM 31 | 02/27/2004 | "Wireless cannot process ""Jeopardizes"" following confirms from wireline service providers when they are not able to meet the original due date and time." | Download |
PIM 30 | 01/23/2004 | There is differing interpretation of N-1 Number Portability Querying responsibilities, and whether wireless carriers are obligated to perform default NP Queries when the N-1 carrier fails to dip the … | Download |
PIM 29 | 01/20/2004 | Due to inconsistent inter-modal processes some customers are experiencing loss of service between disconnects and activations. | Download |
PIM 28 | 01/02/2004 | When porting between wireless and wireline there is an interface difference between WPRR (wireless) and FOC (wireline). FOC allows for a due date and time change on confirms. WPRR does not allow a du… | Download |
PIM 27 | 09/29/2003 | There is no way to get an SV out of Cancel Pending status other than waiting out the timers. The timers could take up to 24 business hours (two 9-hour Cancel Pending timers plus 6-hour Conflict timer… | Download |
PIM 26 | 09/03/2003 | The NPAC Testbed hardware platform does not reflect a production environment to support volume performance tests. | Download |
PIM 25 | 07/24/2003 | Will retailers have access to the porting database to determine which carriers/markets customers can port into and out of? | Download |
PIM 24 | 05/13/2003 | "Blocks that are being assigned to Service Providers are either contaminated when they are donated as a non-contaminated block or the blocks have been contaminated over 10%. This is causing customers… | Download |
PIM 23 | 02/19/2003 | The LRNs, NXX data, and NXX-X data and effective dates of the data in the NPAC are not always in synch with those in the Telcordia Business Integrated Routing and Rating Database System (BIRRDS). | Download |
PIM 22 | 08/28/2002 | Customers have been taken out of service inadvertently in some cases when the New Service Provider continues with a port, that has been placed into Conflict by the Old Service Provider, after the 6 h… | Download |
PIM 21 | 09/03/2002 | Ported-In TN records left behind in NPAC Database and in SPs Network after some SPs seize to provide Service (e.g., Bankruptcy). This will result in incomplete calls. | Download |
PIM 20 | 09/03/2002 | Porting after a code is returned from a carrier going out of business and scheduled for disconnect. | Download |
PIM 19 | 04/17/2002 | We have noticed there are a lot of Intra-provider ports from a pooling block to the same SPID and LRN. | Download |
PIM 18 | 01/02/2002 | The NANC flows and narratives for Local Number Portability need to be updated to accommodate wireless resellers and the different timeframes and business model for wireless service providers. | Download |
PIM 17 | 12/26/2001 | Some carriers offer both wireless and wireline services. With the integration of the wireless industry into Local Number Portability, there needs to be an efficient way for other carriers to determi… | Download |
PIM 16 | 09/05/2001 | Erroneous Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) Updates: | Download |
PIM 15 | 06/21/2001 | In order to change the NXX code “ownership” from one service provider to another in NPAC, any active ported numbers within that code must be deleted before the ownership change can be performed. Thi… | Download |
PIM 14 | 04/27/2001 | When an NXX code containing ported telephone numbers is disconnected in the network, calls placed to those ported subscribers fail immediately before an LNP query can be performed in order to route o… | Download |
PIM 13 | 04/27/2001 | OSP removes switch translations on or near due date, and the number has not been ported to the new Service Provider. | Download |
PIM 12 | 04/19/2001 | Some Operator Service functions will not be properly applied in a Wireless Number Portability environment. | Download |
PIM 11 | 03/24/2001 | A process for moving 1k blocks between switches, within the same company, within the same rate center using EDR functionality is needed to satisfy the FCC's requirement to manage TN inventory by rate… | Download |
PIM 10 | 02/21/2001 | The lack of standards regarding the routing and charging of calls to ported numbers is causing the CLECs to assign an inordinate number of LRNs to each switch site. | Download |
PIM 09 | 01/19/2001 | LNP calls failing resulting in trouble tickets. | Download |