Problems and Issues Management
In late 1999, the LNPA WG, now known as the Number Portability Industry Forum (NPIF), established a "Problem Identification and Management" (PIM) process for Number Portability (np) issues. The group, made up of Number Portability Industry members, developed:
- Issue submittal guidelines (PIM Process Scope)
- Issue submittal form (Problem/Issue Identification and Description Form)
- Issue referral form (Problem/Issue Referral Cover Letter)
- Process flows (PIM Process Flow Narratives and PIM Process Flow Graphics)
- Tracking mechanism (PIMs Tracking Matrix)
The NPIF is not responsible for resolving all Number Portability problems. The NPIF performs an initial evaluation of each problem/issue submitted, then either develops a resolution for the issue or refers it to the appropriate forum for resolution. Issues submitted are tracked in the PIMs Tracking Matrix.
Issues should be submitted to the NPIF using the Problem/Issue Identification and Description Form, at least two weeks before the NPIF meeting at which Number Portability issue's discussion is desired.
Related Documents
Title | Date | Description | Document |
PIM 133 | 08/11/2020 | Use of NPAC Data for preventing financial fraud is difficult due to missing or potentially inaccurate data. When numbers are given to Virtual Network Operators, it is difficult to find the service p… | Download |
PIM 132 | 08/11/2020 | SPID Naming Standards adopted in PIM 117 need further updating to reflect another scenario | Download |
PIM 131 | 05/13/2020 | LNP Best Practice 0004 – N-1 Carrier Methodology addresses the FCC requirement that the “N-1” carrier (2nd to last carrier) should perform the number portability database query. FCC 18-95 eased the C… | Download |
PIM 130 | 04/07/2020 | As of 2020, the XML interface has been in production for several years. Over the past two years, there has been an increase in the number of systems using the XML interface. Through experience of u… | Download |
PIM 129 | 02/25/2020 | Existing Best Practice 0069 indicates that users should inform the LNPA of large ports – defined as 25,000 or more TNs affected per hour – in advance of such porting activity, so that all service pro… | Download |
PIM 128 | 02/25/2020 | The LNPA observes that LSMS operators are performing maintenance tasks outside of the scheduled maintenance windows on Sundays. When LSMS systems are unavailable, it has a detrimental effect on port… | Download |
PIM 127 | 09/10/2019 | The Billing ID field for SVs is defined in the FRS as: “For future use. Can be variable 1-4 alphanumeric characters.” The Alt-Billing ID field is defined as a variable 1-4 character string (no limi… | Download |
PIM 126 | 07/09/2019 | The XML Interface Specification (XIS), currently does not specify the Content Type to be used in interface messages except in the message examples. Since multiple Content Types can be used and have b… | Download |
PIM 125 | 07/09/2019 | Prior to the NPAC Transition, a separate test plan document outside of the Certification and Regression Testing Plan was developed to test Notification Suppression (for XML) in NANC Release 3.4.8, pu… | Download |
PIM 124 | 03/05/2019 | The LNPA has observed that on several occasions that the current service provider has attempted to modify an active subscription version (SV) by simultaneously submitting both a modify active request… | Download |
PIM 123 | 03/05/2019 | iconectiv developed recovery capabilities based on NPAC SMS FRS requirements to allow CMIP-based local systems to recover Subscription Version and Network data elements. During industry discussions, … | Download |
PIM 122 | 03/05/2019 | The Industry, through a series of discussions (dating back approximately 20+ years), concluded that the appropriate retry and time interval would be 1x15 due to messages not lost on interface so retr… | Download |
PIM 121 | 09/11/2019 | During transition, it became apparent to iconectiv that there were a number of SPIDs in the NPAC database that were no longer in use. iconectiv has carefully planned a clean-up process for obsolete … | Download |
PIM 120 | 09/11/2019 | The Alternate SPID attribute was introduced in NANC 399 in Release 3.3. The Last Alternate SPID attribute was then added in NANC 438 in Release 3.3.4. During transition, iconectiv noticed that a num… | Download |
PIM 119 | 09/11/2019 | The NPA-NXX Create will be rejected if the ownership information is not present in the NPAC SMS industry reference data. Service Providers sometimes experience NPA-NXX Create rejections when they a… | Download |
PIM 118 | 07/05/2018 | During transition, iconectiv was required to outreach to every SPID defined in the NPAC database or assigned to an NPAC user. One discovery was that some SPIDs were either choosing to not onboard or … | Download |
PIM 117 | 07/05/2018 | One function of the LNPA is to assign SPIDs (NPAC Customer ID) and Names for approved applicants to NPAC. During the transition, iconectiv presented its SPID Naming methodology. No such defined metho… | Download |
PIM 116 | 07/05/2018 | Over time the Typing of SPIDs was inconsistent manifesting in X SPIDs that were created for use for Associations to receive LSMS downloads. Previously some of these SPIDs were typed as Wireless or Wi… | Download |
PIM 115 | 05/09/2018 | iconectiv has observed that Audits created with an Activation Time Range are not executing as expected. | Download |
PIM 114 | 05/09/2018 | Based on feedback from SV BDD users in regions where the LNPA has transitioned, there appears to be implementation differences between the Neustar and iconectiv NPAC’s implementation of full SV BDD f… | Download |
PIM 113 | 05/09/2018 | SV modify requests on pending SVs that contain a due date that is identical to and does not modify the due date on the SV in the NPAC DB does not send Attribute Value Change (AVC) notifications to th… | Download |
PIM 112 | 04/24/2018 | Based on discussions at the April 4, 2018 NANC (LNPA) Transition Oversite Sub-Committee (TOSC) conference call, there is differences in implementation between the Nuestar and iconeciv NPAC concerning… | Download |
PIM 111 | 04/24/2018 | During SPID Migration processing, a local system had issues in processing the SPID Migration files produced by the iconectiv NPAC. The SPID Migration only involved NPA-NXXs being migrated and the ic… | Download |
PIM 110 | 03/12/2018 | In a typical Software Development process, requirements are explicitly defined and numbered so that such requirements can be developed and fully tested and the traceability to verify that every requi… | Download |
PIM 109 | 03/12/2018 | Based on feedback from current users of the Neustar NPAC, there appears to be a need to utilize Hold – Replay functionality for CMIP mechanized users that is not related to those users transitioning … | Download |